INDONESIA 2022 Approved Apprentices, Cross-Accreditation Jurors & Apprentice Team Leaders

During the 149th FIP Board meeting on 10 August 2022, the following were approved by the FIP Board:


Apprentice Jurors

Surname Name Country Class Approved
PETRY Claus Germany Traditional
MANZATI Claudio Ernesto Mario Italy Postal History
ENOSAWA Yuichi Japan Thematic
SHIN Myong Soon Korea Thematic
DARWISH* Ali Qatar Postal History
BUHRMANN Emil South Africa Traditional

*Darwish can be accredited only after fulfilling the required FIP Qualifying Seminars.


Cross Accreditation Jurors

Surname Name Country Class Approved
REINOSO Juan Costa Rica Postal History
CHIRAKITI Prakob Thailand Literature
MUHAMMAD Javaid UAE Literature

The above cross accreditations were approved by the Board.


Apprentice Team Leaders

Surname Name Country Class Approved
MCMAHON Ian Australia Postal Stationery
CASIELLES Miguel Jose Argentina Traditional
BONEV Boncho Bulgaria Postal History
SAMRA Sherif Egypt Traditional
EATON Dila Paraguay Expert Group
SAMAME y SAMAME Aldo Peru Literature
FOONGVANICH Prakit Thailand Traditional
KHOORY Abdulla UAE Postal History


The above apprentice team leaders were approved by the Board and they shall be able to become team leaders in future FIP exhibitions.